My favorite books

By Jonas
November 29, 2022
2 min read

I have always been interested in reading, and since I started writing, I have enjoyed reading even more. I believe reading is a great way to improve myself, and it's had a huge impact on my life.

Reading helps inspire and give guidance. I also like reading to replenish my curiosity and imagination.

My writing is a reflection of past conversations or insights, and in a recent discussion with friends, I was asked to share my top reading recommendations. With the holidays coming, it's a fun opportunity for me to reflect on everything I’ve read recently, and I hope you find it valuable.

Mastery By Robert Greene

An immersive read that offers great insight into the path previous masters have walked and how you might find yours.

Get Mastery on Amazon

Deep Work by Cal Newport

I have read this book twice already. I believe the skills highlighted in this book are more important now than ever. My favorite takeaway from this book is that deep work will make you better at what you do and provide the sense of true fulfillment that comes from craftsmanship. I was so inspired by this book that I wrote the article Essential skills for designers to thrive in the future after reading it.

Get Deep Work on Amazon

The 48 Laws of Power By Robert Greene

I am very interested in reading about social tools. Robert Greene demystifies and takes apart methods to understand the rules of the game we all play.

Get 48 Laws of Power on Amazon

More reading

* Disclaimer: I do not profit from affiliate links or advertisements. I write to improve myself and share knowledge.

Thank you for reading! From time to time, I will share some things that seem to be working for me in case you find them helpful. Reach me on Twitter and LinkedIn.